Dat Tran
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Azure Logic Apps

Azure Logic Apps

Azure Logic Apps is a cloud service that helps you schedule, automate, and orchestrate tasks, business processes, and workflows when you need to integrate apps, data, systems, and services across enterprises or organizations.

Azure Logic Apps are Enterprise Integration Service, which means their main purpose is orchestration, integration and scheduling of tasks in a simple way. With easy to use user interface, no coding design and powerful extensibility you can easily integrate services in minutes.

In this tutorial. I will cover basics of Logic Apps and show couple of demos. all-trigger

Web Trigger


  1. Create new Logic App service web-trigger2
  2. Full fill required information web-trigger3
  3. Access Logic App Designer and create new Blank Logic App web-trigger4
  4. Create the Request web-trigger5 web-trigger6
  5. Edit the Request
    • Choose GET method web-trigger7
  6. Create the Response web-trigger8 web-trigger9
  7. Edit the Response web-trigger10
  8. Save and Get the HTTP URL web-trigger11 web-trigger12
  9. Pass HTTP URL on browser and verify web-trigger13 web-trigger14
  10. Check Runs history web-trigger15
  11. Run HTTP Request with “Relative path” web-trigger16
  12. Edit HTTP Response to utilize the relative path parameter web-trigger17 web-trigger18
  13. Save and test verify
    • Save web-trigger19
    • Replace {name} as “Adam” web-trigger20 web-trigger21

Web Trigger and create new blob in Storage Account


  1. Create new Storage Account service web2-trigger2
  2. In new Storage account, access “Blobs” and create new “Container” web2-trigger3 web2-trigger4 web2-trigger5
  3. Access “a4e-logic-app-demo-http” and insert a new step web2-trigger6
  4. Choose “Storage Account” action web2-trigger7 web2-trigger8 web2-trigger9
  5. Full fill required informations web2-trigger10
  6. Test and verify
    • Refresh browser and check Login App run history web2-trigger11 web2-trigger12
    • Access Storage Account to check new blog is created web2-trigger13

Blob Storage Trigger


  1. Create new “Logic App” blob-trigger2
  2. Choose “Azure Blob Storage” trigger blob-trigger3 blob-trigger4
  3. Full fill required information blob-trigger5
  4. Choose “Send a mail” action blob-trigger6
  5. Sign in and input required informations blob-trigger7 blob-trigger8 blob-trigger9
  6. Save “Logic App” blob-trigger10
  7. Test and verify
    • Refresh browser and check mail on inbox blob-trigger11


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